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Sunday, 29 May 2022

Question Bank_BA I_English Compulsory_Semester II_Q. 2 A

 (Developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

Q. 2 A) Answer the following questions in three to four sentences each. (4 out of 6)                                                                                       Marks 08

1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair?

Ø  On his way to the fair, at first, the child sees a toy shop. Then he sees a mustard-field and a grove. In mustard-field, he sees dragon-flies. In the grove he sees banyan tree, jack tree, jaman tree and gulmohar tree. He also sees doves in the grove.

2. What happened when the child entered the grove?

Ø  When the child entered the grove, he saw many trees. He saw banyan tree, jack tree, jaman tree and gulmohar tree. A shower of young flowers fell upon the child. The child heard the the sound of doves. He ran towards his parents shouting, “The dove! The dove!”

3. How was the child separated from his parents?

Ø  In the fair, the child saw a roundabout (जत्रेतील पाळणा). It was in full swing. It was going round and round. The child stopped there watching a roundabout. He was very much attracted by it. He had a strong desire to enjoy the ride in a roundabout. So he requested his parents. But what he found was his parents were not there. This is how the child was separated from his parents.

4. What happened when the lost child reached the temple door?

Ø  The temple was crowded. He ran through people’s legs. He was crying, “Mother, father”. Near the entrance of the temple, the crowd became thick. Men jostled each other. The child might have been trampled (चिरडणे) underfoot. But he shouted, “Father, mother”.  A man in the crowd heard him and lifted him up.

5. Which great institutions were established during British rule?

Ø  The following institutions were established during British rule: (1) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore started by J. N. Tata; (2) Banaras Hindu University established by Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya; (3) Aligarh Muslim University established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

6. What are the expectations of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in the computer field?

Ø  According to Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, India is a competitive nation in IT today. He expects that it must be used for healthcare, telemedicine, tele-education, to remove illiteracy and for e-governance. He wants to use IT as the linking tool for making a knowledge society.

7. What steps will bring relief to the farmers in India?

Ø  Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam admires farmers for giving us food with their sweat. According to him the time has come to take two events in agriculture. (1) The value addition of all products; (2) To improve the quality of agricultural products and compete in the world market. These steps will bring relief to the farmers in India.

8. What prayer does Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam do to the God almighty?

Ø  Make my people sweat. Let my country prosper (समृद्ध होणे) in peace. Let my people live in harmony. Let me go to dust as a proud citizen of India.

9. How does a narrator describe a village girl?

Ø  A village girl is carrying a bundle of grass on her head. Her hips are swinging like wine pitchers. Blue and yellow flowers peep through the grass. She is wearing a skirt. She wants to cross the Suhan River.

10. What does a narrator describe about the footprints of a village girl?

Ø  The village girl crosses the Suhan River. She goes to the sandal-hill. The narrator sees her footprints. According to him her footprints gleam like “prisoner’s chain”.

11. Why cannot a narrator see the face of a village girl?

Ø  The village girl is carrying a bundle of grass on her head. The pataki and mustard flowers are peeping through the green grass. These flowers and grass are hanging over her eyes. That’s why a narrator cannot see the face of a village girl.

12. According to Chandrakant Patil, why poets too are like words?

Ø  According to Chandrakant Patil, words have the destructive energy. This energy leaps out after crashing against other words. Poets too carry energy in their hearts. Poets too crash against the dark shadows of others. That’s why poets too are like words.

13. What happens with a word which is in the poet’s brain?

Ø   Every word which is in poet’s brain keeps expanding. It becomes a gigantic tree. Its roots go deeper in search of water.

14. What does the poet say about a poem?

Ø  According to the poet, a poem is a forest. This forest is in the brain of a poet. And in that forest, the poet looks for dreams, a spring and the lost man.

15. What does the poet say about words?

Ø  According to the poet, words have the destructive energy. Words constantly struggle to stay alive. Words can never be only concepts or codes.

16. Why didn’t the elder brother rush through a matter like education?

Ø  The elder brother didn’t rush through the matter of education because he wanted to build a strong foundation. On that strong foundation, he wanted to build a grand palace. He believed that the foundation must be strong otherwise the house cannot be stable. So he took 2-3 years to complete one year in the school.

17. How did the elder brother use to study?

Ø  The elder brother was always sitting with an open book. Sometimes he would draw pictures of birds and animals on the margins. Sometimes he would write a word or sentence ten or twenty times. Sometimes he would imitate over and over the letters of a poem.

18. How did the narrator follow his new study schedule?

Ø  The narrator’s new study schedule was very tight. But he did not follow it. He disobeyed it on the very first day. He was attracted by the green fields, football, volleyball and kabbadi. He remained busy in all these activities and forgot about his new study schedule.

19. What is the elder brother’s opinion about pride?

Ø  According to the elder brother one must not commit the sin of pride. Satan was driven from heaven by God because he committed the sin of pride. Similarly Caesar from Rome died begging because he was arrogant.

20. What did the elder brother say about understanding and experience?

Ø  According to the elder brother, the five year age difference between him and his brother will remain as it is. The younger brother will never match him in case of experience. Understanding does not come from reading books. It comes from seeing the world.


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Thursday, 26 May 2022

Question Bank_BA I English Compulsory_Semester II_Q. No. 01

 (Developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

Q. 1 A) Multiple choice questions ………………..      Marks 04

1. The child was going to _____ with his parents. (fair)

2. _____ was the child’s favourite dish. (Burfi)

3. The child’s parents say about the balloons that _____.  (he was too old to play with such toys)

4. The word ____ from the passage means ‘speak in low sound’. (murmured)

5. The child was gathering _____ in his hands. (the raining petals)

6. _____ brought the steel industries during the British rule. (Jamshetji Tata)

7. The Banaras Hindu University was established by _____.    (Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya)

8. Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad are _____.   (hubs of business activity)

9. Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam dreams of an India governed by _____.    (noble leaders)

10. In the IT area ____ is the most important need. (man power)

11. Tripura’s economy mainly rests on _____. (forest productions)

12. _____ of a village girl gleam like a prisoner’s chain.  (The footprint)

13. The elder brother is _____ years older than the younger one.      (five)

14. The story “My Elder Brother” is written by _____.     (Munshi Premchand)

15. The narrator of the story “My Elder Brother” was _____ years old.        (nine)

16. In the story “My Elder Brother” _____ seemed as difficult as climbing a mountain to the narrator.  (reading a book)

17. The poem “The Tiger” is written by _____. (William Blake)

18. According to the poet, tiger’s symmetry is _____.      (fearful)

19. The poem “A Poet” is written by _____.            (Chandrakant Patil)

20. According to the poet, there is _____ at the core of words.           (a destructive energy)


Q. 1 B) Answer the following questions in one word/phrase/sentence each.                                           Marks 04

1. What was the speciality of the day?

Ø  It was the festival of Spring.

2. What was the child’s favourite sweet?

Ø  Burfi

3. Which sweets the sweetmeat seller was selling?

Ø  Gulab-jamun, rasgulla, burfi and jalebi

4. Who has written the story “The Lost Child”?

Ø  Mulk Raj Anand

5. According to Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, what is bigger than organizations?

Ø  Missions

6. What sort of India Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam would like to see in twenty years?

Ø  Literate and poverty-free India

7. According to Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, how is energy created?

Ø  By a vision

8. What is on the head of a village girl?

Ø  A bundle of grass

9. What do peep through the green grass?

Ø  Pataki and mustard flowers

10. Which river do the narrator and the village girl cross?

Ø  Suhan river

11. What is the age of the elder brother?

Ø  Fourteen

12. What is the age of the narrator, younger brother?

Ø  Nine

13. How was the performance of the elder brother in exams?

Ø  He failed every time.

14. According to the elder brother, which sin one must not commit?

Ø  Sin of pride

15. According to the elder brother, which is the thing that even God cannot change?

Ø  A five year difference

16. According to a poet, what is a poem?

Ø  A forest

17. What happens with a word which is in the poet’s mind?

Ø  It becomes a gigantic tree.

18. What is there at the core of words?

Ø  A destructive energy

19. Where does the poet see the burning bright eyes of a tiger?

Ø  In the forests of night

20. What do the stars threw down?

Ø  Spears


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Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Question Bank_BA I English (Optional)_Semester II

 (Developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)


I Say Unto Waris Shah

1. The poem ‘I Say Unto Waris Shah’ is written by _____. (Amrita Pritam)

2. The poem ‘I Say Unto Waris Shah’ is originally written in _____. (Punjabi language)

3. Waris Shah is best known for his poem _____. (‘Heer Ranjha’)

4. Heer and Ranjha belonged to _____. (the Jat family)

5. The poet asks Waris Shah to turn a page of _____. (the Book of Love)

6. According to the poet, today _____ are weeping. (a million daughters)

7. According to the poet, the colour of the river _____ has turned crimson. (Chenab)

8. According to the poet, the poisonous wind has changed the bamboo-shoots into _____. (cobras)

9. The limbs of Punjab are turned _____. (bluish)

10. According to the poet, the brothers of Ranjha have forgotten the art of handling _____. (flute)

11. Today the princesses of the valley are weeping in _____. (graveyards)

12. The poem ‘I Say Unto Waris Shah’ has the background of _____. (the partition of India)


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When My Play was with Thee

1. The poem ‘When My Play was with Thee’ is written by _____. (Rabindranath Tagore)

2. The poet says when as a child he played with ‘Thee’, he had _____. (no fear and no shame)

3. God used to call the poet in his childhood so many times at _____. (dawn)

4. During the poet’s childhood, God was his _____. (playmate)

5. As a child, the poet used to run around God through _____. (woods and fields)

6. When the childhood games with God are over, the poet sees unmoving sky and _____. (the silent moon and sun)

7. When God used to sing songs to the poet, the poet’s heart ran _____. (riot)

8. When the poet as a child used to play with God, his life was _____. (riotous)

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Light, Oh, Where is the Light?

1. The poem ‘Light, Oh, Where is the Light?’ is written by _____. (Rabindranath Tagore)

2. The poet asks to ignite the light with _____. (the fire of longing)

3. According to the poet, there is a lamp but without _____. (flame)

4. According to the poet, the sky is crammed with _____. (clouds)

5. According to the poet, _____ makes the darkness thicker. (lightning)

6. According to the poet, the night is black as _____. (whetstone)

7. According to the poet, time passes, but _____ does not pass. (deep night)

8. “deep night black as a whetstone”. In this line, the figure of speech used is _____. (simile)   


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On His Blindness

  Introduction "On His Blindness" is a well-known sonnet written by John Milton.  John Milton is  a famous English poet. The poem...