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Monday, 26 February 2024

Three Questions

 (e-content is developed by Dr N A Jarandikar)

Three Questions

Q. 1. What three questions did the King ask to the people of his Kingdom?

‘Three Questions’ is a story written by the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. The King in this story had a desire to update his knowledge. In that connection, he wanted to know the answers to the following three questions:

i) What is the right time to begin everything?

ii) Whose advice one should take?

iii) What is the right action one should take?

The King sought answers from the learned men of his Kingdom. But he was not satisfied with their answers.

Q.2. write a short note on: The Hermit.

The King was not happy with the answers that he got from the learned men. So, he went to one hermit. The hermit (साधू) was busy in digging the ground. The King asked him, his three questions. But the hermit ignored him. The King decided to help him in the digging. Then there came one wounded man (जखमी व्यक्ती). The King felt pity for him. He bandaged the wound and gave him water. The next morning, the wounded man asked his forgiveness (क्षमायाचना). He was actually there to kill the King. But the King's bodyguards had wounded him. The King forgave him, and allowed to go. After this, the hermit explained the answers to the King's questions.

According to him, 'now' is the right time to begin everything. Thus, the moment when the King decided to help the wounded man is the right time. One should seek his/her own advice So, the King relied on his own advice to help the wounded man is the right advice. And the right action is to do be good. So, the King helped the wounded man is his right action.


सदरची गोष्ट ही लिओ टॉलस्टॉय या रशियन लेखकाने लिहिलेली आहे. या गोष्टीतील राजाला तीन प्रश्न पडलेले आहेत:

१.       सत्कर्म आचरणात आणण्यासाठीची योग्य वेळ कोणती ?

२.       सत्कर्म आचरण्यासाठी नेमका कुणाचा सल्ला घ्यावा ?

३.       सत्कर्म आचरणात आणण्यासाठी सर्वात महत्त्वाची कृती काय करावी?

या प्रश्नांची उत्तरे मिळण्यासाठी त्याने दवंडी पिटवलेली आहे. या अनुषंगाने त्याला निरनिराळी उत्तरे मिळालेली आहेत. पण एकाही उत्तराने त्याचे समाधान झालेले नाही. त्यामुळे तो जंगलातील एका साधूला भेटण्यासाठी येतो.

साधू आपल्या आश्रमासमोरील बागेमध्ये काम करत आहे. राजा त्याला आपले प्रश्न विचारतो, पण साधू त्याच्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करतो. राजा त्याच्या हातातील फावडे घेतो आणि त्याला मदत करू लागतो. राजा संध्याकाळपर्यंत काम करत राहतो. संध्याकाळी त्या दोघांना एक जखमी माणूस पळत येताना दिसतो. दोघेजण त्याला आश्रमात नेतात. राजा त्याच्या जखमेवर मलमपट्टी करतो. त्याला प्यायला पाणी देतो. दुसऱ्या दिवशी तो माणूस राजाची माफी मागतो. राजाने त्याच्या भावाची हत्या करून त्याची संपत्ती बळकावलेली असते. त्यामुळे तो राजाला ठार मारण्यासाठी आलेला असतो. पण राजाच्या सैनिकांनी त्याच्यावर हल्ला केलेले असतो. राजा मोठ्या मनाने त्याला माफ करतो आणि भावाची घेतलेली सर्व संपत्ती त्याला देऊन टाकतो.

यावेळी साधु त्याला त्याच्या तीन प्रश्नांची आठवण करुन देतो व तुला योग्य उत्तरे मिळाल्याचेही सांगतो. गोंधळलेला राजा याचे स्पष्टीकरण विचारतो, तेव्हा साधू पुढीलप्रमाणे उत्तरे देत्तो:

१)      सत्कर्म आचरणात आणण्यासाठीची योग्य वेळ म्हणजे प्रत्येक क्षण होय.

२)      सत्कर्म आचरणात आणताना अन्य कोणाचावर सल्ला घेण्यापेक्षा स्वतःच्या सदसदविवेकबुद्धीने निर्णय घेणे होय.

३)      सत्कर्म आचरणात आणण्यासाठीची सर्वात महत्त्वाची कृती म्हणजे नेहमी चांगुलपणाने वागणे होय.

अशाप्रकारे ज्यावेळी जखमी माणूस मतीसाठी आलेला आहे, ती सत्कर्म आचरणात आणण्यासाठीची योग्य वेळ आहे. अशा व्यक्तीला मदत करावी, असा राजाच्या मनाने जो सल्ला दिलेला आहे तोच योग्य आहे. आणि अशा व्यक्तीची केलेली शुश्रुषा व त्याला केलेली क्षमा ही सत्कर्म आचरणातील सर्वात महत्त्वाची कृती आहे.


आता खाली दिलेल्या लिंकवर जाऊन क्विझ सोडवण्याचा प्रयत्न करा. सर्व उत्तरे बरोबर येईपर्यंत ही क्विझ पुनःपुन्हा सोडवत रहा. सर्व उत्तरे बरोबर आल्यावर संपूर्ण क्विझ आणि वरील प्रश्नोत्तरे आपल्या वहीमध्ये लिहून काढा.



Sunday, 25 February 2024

English (Compulsory)_BA III


Syllabus and Question Paper Pattern for Semester VI


Module V:

A.    Group Discussion

B.     The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspinwall - Henry Sienkiewicz (Prose)

Module VI:

  •     A. Note Making and Note Taking
  •     B. Three Questions – Leo Tolstoy (Prose)

Module VII:

  •        A. Media Writing
  •        B. Eight Rupees - Murli Das Melwani (Prose)

Module VIII:

  •     A. The Mystic Drum - Gabriel Okara
  •      B. Two Dead Soldiers - Jean Arasanayagam
  •      C. Bora Ring - Judith Wright


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Question Paper Pattern

                                                                             Marks: 40

Q.1 A) Three multiple choice questions with four alternatives on prose and poetry.     [03]

        B) Three answer in one word/phrase/sentence questions. (on prose and poetry)  [03]

Q. 2 A) Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences each (2 out of 3)                     [04]

            (two questions on prose and one on poetry)

        B) Write a Short Note on the following in about 7-8 sentences. (1 out of 2)            [04]

            (One on prose and one on poetry)

        C) Two Vocabulary Exercises for 1 mark each (On prose and poetry)                     [02]

Q. 3 A) One question to be set on Group Discussion with internal option.                       [08]

            (Module V-A)

       B) One question to be set on Note Taking And Note Making with internal option. [08]

(Module VI-A)

Q. 4 A) One question to be set on Media Writing with internal option.                           [08]

(Module VII-A)



 Internal Evaluation: Group Projects                                                                                 [10]


A Leaf in the Storm


The partition of India in 1947 remains one of the most traumatic (disturbing) events in the human history. It led to mass displacement, communal violence, and extreme atrocities (अत्याचार), particularly against women. The violence associated with this period has been depicted widely, but literature from a woman’s perspective is relatively limited. 

‘A Leaf in the Storm’ is a short story written by Lalithambika Antharjanam. The story is originally written in Malayalam. It provides an emotional portrayal of a woman’s suffering and survival during these hard times. The story captures the trauma of abduction (अपहरण), rape, and forced motherhood through the character of Jyoti, a victim of partition violence.

The Story

The story revolves around Jyoti. She is a Sikh woman. Her full name is Jyotirmoyi Devpal. She remained rebellious (बंडखोर) throughout her life. She discarded to wear a veil, and denied a marriage proposal against her wish. But after the partition the circumstances (परिस्थिती) change.  She has been abducted and raped while trying to cross the newly created border. She comes to a refugee camp. Here she struggles with the trauma (आघात) of her past and the burden of carrying an unborn child conceived through violence. Initially, Jyoti views the child as a curse, a reminder of hatred (तिरस्कार). She even thinks of killing the baby after birth. However, the moment she delivers the child, a powerful transformation takes place within her. Motherly feelings take over, and she decides to keep the baby alive.

Throughout the story, there is a contrast between the brutality (निर्दयीपणा) of men and the meekness (सोशिकता) of women. The doctor in the refugee camp tries to justify (समर्थन करणे) the violence, calling Jyoti’s baby the “first citizen of a free India”. However, the story does not provide a simple resolution (उत्तर). Jyoti’s final decision leaves the reader questioning whether it comes from the motherly love, or an unwilling (अनिच्छेने/मनाविरुद्ध) acceptance of her fate (नशीब).

Themes and Analysis of the story

  1. Partition and Violence against women: The story highlights how women became victims (बळी) of communal revenge (सूड/प्रतिशोध) during partition. Women were not only witnesses to violence but also its primary targets, used as tools of dishonour (अपमान).
  2. Partition and Social Stigma (कलंक): The story shows how rape survivors (बचावलेले) like Jyoti were often viewed as disgraced (बदनाम) and impure. Society’s understanding of purity and honour left these women alienated (अलिप्त). Jyoti struggles with the idea of keeping the child, fearing social rejection and seeing the baby as a product of hatred (तिरस्कार).
  3. Partition, nationalism (राष्ट्रवाद) and humanism (मानववाद): The story powerfully poses some serious issues related to nationalism and humanism. The doctor’s attempt to paint the baby as a symbol of India’s freedom is an example of how nationalism can be used to manipulate (शिताफीने हाताळणे) personal trauma. Women’s bodies are often linked to the idea of the motherland, where their suffering (दु:ख) is overlooked (दुर्लक्ष करणे) in favour of patriotic pride (राष्ट्रीय बाणा). But it appears that Jyoti’s decision to keep her baby alive emerges from her idea of humanism and not that of nationalism. She prefers humanity to nationalism.
  4.  Symbolism in the Title
  • The leaf represents the newborn baby.
  • The storm symbolizes the chaos of partition and the emotional turmoil Jyoti experiences.
  • Just as a leaf is tossed by the wind, Jyoti and other survivors are displaced, forced to adapt to an uncertain future.


A Leaf in the Storm is not just a story of partition violence, but also a serious commentary on gender, survival, and resilience. Jyoti’s journey from victimhood to reluctant acceptance highlights the complex emotions that women faced during this historical crisis. While the story does not provide an easy resolution, it raises important questions about motherhood, identity, and the price of independence. It remains a crucial text for understanding the human cost of partition and the often-silenced voices of women in history.

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 ए लीफ इन द स्टॉर्म (A Leaf in the Storm) ही ललितांबिका अंतरजानम् यांची एक हृदयस्पर्शी कथा आहे. ही कथा १९४७ च्या फाळणीच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर घडते. फाळणीमुळे भारत आणि पाकिस्तानमध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणावर हिंसा, स्थलांतर आणि विशेषतः स्त्रियांवर अत्याचार झाले. अनेक स्त्रियांना जबरदस्तीने उचलून नेले गेले, बलात्कार केले गेले आणि त्यांच्या इच्छेविरुद्ध त्यांना दुसऱ्या धर्मात सामील करून घेतले गेले.

कथानायिका ज्योती ही अशाच एका परिस्थितीचा सामना करणारी स्त्री आहे. सीमारेषा पार करताना तिला पळवून नेले जाते आणि वारंवार बलात्काराच्या यातना सोसाव्या लागतात. त्यातून ती गरोदर राहते आणि एका निर्वासित शिबिरात पोहोचते. आपल्या पोटातील बाळ हे द्वेषातून जन्माला आलेले असल्याने तिला त्याचा तिरस्कार वाटतो. ती त्याला स्वीकारायचं का टाकून द्यायचं, याबाबत संभ्रमात असते.

शिबिरातील एक डॉक्टर तिला समजावतो की तिच्या पोटी जन्मणारे बाळ हे "स्वतंत्र भारतातील पहिले नागरिक" असेल. परंतु हा विचार तिच्या मनाचे  काही समाधान करत नाही. ती बाळाला "द्वेषाचं बीज" म्हणते आणि त्याला जन्म न देण्याचा विचार करते. पण प्रसूतीच्या क्षणी, तिच्यातील आई  जागी होते आणि ती बाळाचा स्वीकार करते.

या कथेमध्ये "पान" हे नवजात बाळाचे प्रतीक आहे, तर "वादळ" हे फाळणीमुळे झालेल्या विध्वंसाचे प्रतीक आहे. 

                                                                   *    *    *    *    *

Final Solution

 (e-content developed by Dr N A Jarandikar)

      "The Final Solution," is a story written by Manik Bandopadhyay (माणिक बंडोपाध्याय). The story is originally written in Bengali. It deals with the plight (दुरावस्था) of women in India, particularly after the partition. Mallika is a main character in this story. She is married to Bhushan. Asha is her widowed sister-in-law. Mallika and Bhushan, along with their two-and-a-half-year-old son Khokon (खोकोन), and Asha are refugees (निर्वासित) who come to India from East Pakistan after the partition.

Mallika's family is struggling for survival. They have nothing to eat, have no shelter (निवारा). They are living on a railway platform. Bhushan is very ill. Mallika seeks help from Pramatha and Ramlochan (प्रमाथा आणि रामलोचन).  Pramatha and Ramlochan are the scoundrels. They are actually involved in the flesh trade (मानवी तस्करी) . They aim to trap Mallika. Mallika realizes Pramatha's intentions but feels helpless and accepts his offer of shelter for her baby.

Pramatha invites Mallika to his home. His intensions are not good. He tries to molest (बळजबरी करणे) her. In a desperate act of self-defence (आत्मसंरक्षणासाठीअगतिक होऊन केलेले कृत्य), Mallika kills Pramatha with the help of her sari.

Mallika then returns home and informs She tells her that from then onward, they will never go hungry again. Mallika announces that she will carry a sharp knife with her to protect her family at any cost. She acknowledges that her actions may be seen as criminal, but she refuses to lose her self-respect (आत्मसन्मान).

In this way, the story sheds light on the plight of women after the partition, where millions of daughters and women became victims (बळी) and struggled to find justice. The story, "The Final Solution" revolves around Mallika, a woman struggling to survive in the aftermath of the partition. The story exposes the harsh realities faced by refugees and the vulnerable position of women in society.

BA II_Semester IV_Syllabus (Optional English)


Syllabus for Semester IV


Paper V: Literature and Cinema (DSC-C29)

·         Module I: Transformation and Transposition

·         Module II: Hollywood and Bollywood

·         Module III: Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat (Novel) and its adaptation 3 Idiots (dir. Rajkumar Hirani, 2009) (Cinema)

·         Module IV: Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat (Novel) and its adaptation 3 Idiots (dir. Rajkumar Hirani, 2009) (Cinema)


                                                                                                                Marks: 40

Q.1 A) Four multiple choice questions with four alternatives                                             [04]

       B) Answer the following questions in one word/ phrase/sentence                                [04]

      (Q. 1 A and B to be set on Module III and IV)

Q. 2) Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words.                                           [08]

    (A or B on Module I and II)

Q. 3) Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words.                                           [08]

   (A or B on Module III and IV)

Q. 4) Write Short Notes in about 100-150 words each (4 out of 6)                                       [16]

           (3 to be set on Module I, II, & 3 on Module III, IV)

(Internal Evaluation – Oral Examination)                                                          [10]

Paper VI: Partition Literature (DSC-C30)

·         Module I: Impact of Partition on Women

·         Module II: Home and Exile

·         Module III: Short Stories

  • Toba Tek Singh – Saadat Hasan Manto
  • The Final Solution – Manik Bandopadhyay 

              Module IV: Short Stories

  •        Defend Yourself Against Me - Bapsi Sidhwa
  •        A Leaf in the Storm - Lalithambika Antharjanam



                                                                                                Marks: 40

Q.1 A) Four multiple choice questions with four alternatives                                       [04]

       B) Answer the following questions in one word/ phrase/sentence                          [04]

       (Q. 1 A and B to be set on Module III and IV)

Q. 2) Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words.                                    [08]

      (A or B on Module I and II)

Q. 3) Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words.                                     [08]

     (A or B on Module III and IV)

Q. 4) Write Short Notes in about 100-150 words each (4 out of 6)                                [16]

          (3 to be set on Module I, II, & 3 on Module III, IV)

(Internal Evaluation – Oral Examination)                                        [10]


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On His Blindness

  Introduction "On His Blindness" is a well-known sonnet written by John Milton.  John Milton is  a famous English poet. The poem...