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Sunday, 25 February 2024

Final Solution

 (e-content developed by Dr N A Jarandikar)

      "The Final Solution," is a story written by Manik Bandopadhyay (माणिक बंडोपाध्याय). The story is originally written in Bengali. It deals with the plight (दुरावस्था) of women in India, particularly after the partition. Mallika is a main character in this story. She is married to Bhushan. Asha is her widowed sister-in-law. Mallika and Bhushan, along with their two-and-a-half-year-old son Khokon (खोकोन), and Asha are refugees (निर्वासित) who come to India from East Pakistan after the partition.

Mallika's family is struggling for survival. They have nothing to eat, have no shelter (निवारा). They are living on a railway platform. Bhushan is very ill. Mallika seeks help from Pramatha and Ramlochan (प्रमाथा आणि रामलोचन).  Pramatha and Ramlochan are the scoundrels. They are actually involved in the flesh trade (मानवी तस्करी) . They aim to trap Mallika. Mallika realizes Pramatha's intentions but feels helpless and accepts his offer of shelter for her baby.

Pramatha invites Mallika to his home. His intensions are not good. He tries to molest (बळजबरी करणे) her. In a desperate act of self-defence (आत्मसंरक्षणासाठीअगतिक होऊन केलेले कृत्य), Mallika kills Pramatha with the help of her sari.

Mallika then returns home and informs She tells her that from then onward, they will never go hungry again. Mallika announces that she will carry a sharp knife with her to protect her family at any cost. She acknowledges that her actions may be seen as criminal, but she refuses to lose her self-respect (आत्मसन्मान).

In this way, the story sheds light on the plight of women after the partition, where millions of daughters and women became victims (बळी) and struggled to find justice. The story, "The Final Solution" revolves around Mallika, a woman struggling to survive in the aftermath of the partition. The story exposes the harsh realities faced by refugees and the vulnerable position of women in society.

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