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Monday, 30 August 2021


 (Dr. N. A. Jarandikar)

BA Part I/Semester II

English (Compulsory)


हे लक्षात ठेवा:

१) There ने सुरु होणाऱ्या वाक्यातील क्रियापद हे त्याच्यानंतर येणाऱ्या नामावर अवलंबून असते. नाम एकवचनी असल्यास क्रियापद एकवचनी येते (is/was). नाम अनेकवचनी असल्यास क्रियापद अनेकवचनी येते (are/were).

For example: a) There is a table in the classroom. b) There are tables in the classroom.

२) Daily routine सांगताना वर्तमान काळाचा वापर केला जातो. उदा. I wake up at six o’clock / I watch TV for two hours / I help my mother in the kitchen.

३) दुसऱ्या व्यक्तीचे Daily routine सांगताना वर्तमान काळातील क्रियापदाला s/es हा प्रत्यय लागतो. उदा. My father wakes up at six o’clock / Seema watches TV for two hours / Suresh helps his mother in the kitchen.

४) भूतकाळातील रुटीन सांगण्यासाठी used to +क्रियापदाचे मूळ रूप वापरण्यात येते. उदा. मी ज्यावेळी शाळेत होते, त्यावेळी रोज सकाळी सहा वाजता उठत असे: When I was in the school, I used to wake up at six o’clock  every day in the morning.


1. In my house, there _____ one TV. (is)

2. In my village, _____ is one Hanuman temple. (there)

3. In the library, there _____ many books. (are)

4. I remember that there _____ colourful pictures in my school. (were)

5. I saw the mobile. _____ was a smartphone. (It)

6. Sudhanshu is twenty years old. _____ is a teacher. (He)

7. _____ is one dog in Sudhanshu’s house. (There)

8. Sudhanshu is twenty years old. _____ father is a teacher. (His)

9. Sarita is twenty years old. _____ father is a teacher. (Her)

10. Mahabaleshwar is a hill station in Maharashtra. _____ is in the district of Satara. (It)

11. Every day I _____ for two hours. (play)

12. Every day Sarita _____ for two hours. (studies)

13. The postman _____ to the post office at 10 o’clock every day. (goes)

14. Milkha Singh _____ run for five hours every day. (used to)

15. Pandit Nehru _____ work for 18 hours every day.  (used to)

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