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Friday, 28 January 2022

BA I_Module II_Question Bank

 (Developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)




1. The last train _____ New Delhi in time.

   a) reach                    b) reached                  c) is reach                    d) was reach

2. Gita _____ a letter from the college a week ago.

a) receive                     b) is receive                 c) received                  d) will receive

3. Manoj and Yogesh ______ one month in US last year.

a) spend                       b) spends         c) spent                       d) will spend

4. I found the mobile that _____ on the table.

a) keep             b) was keep     c) was kept                 d) was keeping

5.  They _____ their homework and went out to play.

a) finish                       b) have finish              c) finished                   d) okay

6. She _____ him even in the army uniform.

            a) recognised              b) recognise                 c) recognises                d) recognising

7.  Last evening, some of my friends _____ to my house.

            a) come                        b) comes                      c) coming                    d) came

8. As soon as she landed in Mumbai, she _____ a good job.

            a) got               b) get               c) gets             d) getting

9. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam _____ a prominent Indian scientist.

a) were            b) was             c) can               d) shall

10. _____ is used for narrating past experience.

            a) Description              b) Narration              c) Bio data                  d) Resume

In Passion’s Shadow

1) The story “In Passion’s Shadow” is written by ______.

a) Premchand                                     b) Mohan Rakesh     

c) Rabindranath Tagore                      d) Vijay Tendulkar

2) Pushpa’s father belonged to _____ community.

a) Muslim                    b) Jat              c) Sikh             d) Parsi

3) The narrator was living in _____.

a) Jullundur         b) Jamnagar           c) Jalana                      d) Jalgaon

4) The narrator met Pushpa _____.

a) at the bus stop                     b) in the school            c) at the hand pump d) in the temple

5) The narrator was working in _____.

a) the high school        b) in the hospital         c) in the college           d) in the secretariat

6) Pushpa’s father needed _____.

a) a car             b) a wife         c) a bungalow              d) a mobile phone

7) Pushpa’s father was _____.

a) a Zamindar            b) an advocate             c) a police officer                    d) a priest

8) Pushpa would call her father _____.

a) Baba                        b) Dada                       c) Bapu           d) Tatya 

9) The narrator was living in _____.

a) the New Town                                            b) the Lovely Town                                        c) the Model Town                                     d) the Green Town

10) The cook of the narrator was from _____.

a) Pehelgam     b) Baluchistan             c) Gadhwal                d) Kumaun


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BA I_Module III_Question Bank

  (Developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)



English for General Purposes

1. A: My uncle has been admitted in the hospital.

   B: _____.

a) That’s great!            b) How sad!                c) Wow!                      d) How nice!

2. Teacher: Hello Anil!

    Anil: _____

a) Hi Sir!                     b) Bye Sir!                   c) Hello Sir!                d) Okay Sir!

3. A: My uncle is in the hospital. But the doctor says nothing to worry.

    B: _____

a) How sad!                b) Oh no!         c) Thank God!                       d) Oh, I am sorry.

4. A: Hello! I am Mrs Sarita Desai, the sales executive of Sagar Groups.

    B: _____.

a) Okay!          b) Bye!            c) Nice meeting you!              d) Oh no!

5.  A: Good morning, how are you?

     B: Good morning, _____.

a) good bye                 b) see you                    c) I’m fine                   d) okay

6. _____ tell me, where’s the boys’ hostel?

            a) Could you              b) You could               c) You             d) Just

7.  A: _____.

     B: Yes, what can I do for you?

            a) See you                   b) Bye                         c) Thank you               d) Excuse me

8. Do you _____ reading Marathi books?

            a) enjoy                       b) enjoying                  c) enjoys          d) enjoyed

9. SMS is an abbreviation of _____.

a) Small Message Service        b) Short Message Service      c) Short Massage Service

d) Small Meaning Service

10. I _____ like to introduce you to my friend.

            a) am               b) would         c) can               d) is

11. In an SMS, “nxt” is used for _____.

            a) next                         b) nest                         c) nice              d) no

12. In an SMS,”tx” is used for _____.

            a) tax               b) take                         c) thanks                     d) talk

13. In an SMS, “LOL” stands for _____.

            a) lovely          b) love             c) Laugh out loud      d) like

14. In an SMS, “OMG” stands for _____.

            a) Oh my God                        b) Oh no          c) Wow           d) So nice

15. Which of the following SMS suggest the feeling of gratitude.

            a) Pls forgiv me                       b) y didnt u call?

            c) R u redi?                             D) Got it. Thank U.

The Solitary Reaper

1) The poem “Solitary Reaper” is written by ______.

a) William Shakespeare                       b) William Wordsworth       

c) W. B. Yeats                                    d) W. H. Auden

2) The solitary reaper is bending over _____.

a) the axe                     b) the sickle                c) the spade                d) the fence

3) The central idea of the poem is _____.

a) beautiful experiences give us life-long pleasure        b) well sung songs give us happiness  c) melodious sounds appeal to all                                   d) reapers can sing likebirds

4) The girl is singing while _____.

a) walking                   b) dancing                   c) reaping       d) watching natural beauty

5) The poet laments that _____.

a) he did not know the lass                             b) she stopped singing at once                        c) he had to move away                           d) he cannot understand the song

6) The poet tries to imagine that the girl’s song is about _____.

a) the nightingale and cuckoo             b) some past or some present sorrow, pain or loss  

c) her work and life full of hardships                         d) her loneliness

7) The poem ‘she’ in the poem refers to _____.

a) solitary reaper                   b) nightingale              c) cuckoo bird             d) vale

8) The setting of the poem is _____.

a) Arabia                     b) Scotland                  c) Hebrides                 d) England 

9) The solitary reaper sings _____.

a)  a beautiful poem                                        b) a beautiful song                                         

c) a melancholy strain                                   d) a delightful strain

10) The voice of the solitary reaper is _____.

a) so cute         b) so sweet      c) so thrilling              d) so lovely


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Saturday, 22 January 2022

The Orphan Girl_question Bank

 (E-content developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

The Orphan Girl

“The Orphan Girl” या कवितेमध्ये हेन्री डिरोझीओ यांनी एका अनाथ मुलीचे वर्णन केलेले आहे. या मुलीचे वडील (sire) सैन्यात होते. त्यांना युद्धामध्ये वीरमरण प्राप्त झाले आहे (gained a glorious grave). या मुलीच्या आईला एका विधवेच‌ं जिणं सहन न झाल्याने (could not endure a widow’s part) आपल्या मुलीला पोरकं करत तिनेही या जगाचा निरोप घेतलेला आहे.

या मुलीचा केशसंभार हा एखाद्या कावळ्याच्या (raven) रंगाप्रमाणे काळाभोर होता. तिच्या गालाचा रंग हा जणू ट्युलिपच्या/लिलीच्या फुलांनी परिधान केलेल्या रंगाप्रमाणे होता. तिचा आवाज हा रात्री वाहणाऱ्या वाऱ्याच्या झुळकीइतका तरल होता. आणि तिच्या भुवया (brow) या चंद्रकिरणांइतक्या (moonbeam) आखीवरेखीव होत्या. पण आई-वडलांच्या पश्चात या मुलीचे सगळे सौंदर्य नाहीसे झाले आहे.

आता या मुलीच्या भविष्यात काय वाढून ठेवलं असेल? या अशा निस्तेज, निराश जगामध्ये (cold, bleak earth) या मुलीला जवळचं असं कोणीच नाही जो कुणी तिला आसरा देऊ शकेल. आयुष्याच्या या भयाण वाळवंटाचा (life’s dreary desert) रस्ता आता तिला एकटीलाच पार करावा लागेल. जे कमनशिबी असतात, त्यांना कोणीच आप्तेष्ट नसतात. (The wretched have never a friend!) आणि जर यदाकदाचित तिचा रस्ता जर भरकटला, तर जग तिच्यावर तुटून पडेल. जग तिला हिणवेल. मग दु:खाच्या ओझ्याने आणि अपराध भावनेने लज्जित झालेले तिचे मन पिळवटून निघेल. पण ज्या जखमेतून सातत्याने रक्त वाहताना दिसते आहे, अशा जखमेची मलमपट्टी न करणे हे क्रूरपणाचे ठरणार नाही का? एखादी स्त्री जिच्या दु;खाकडे जगाने डोळेझाक केलेली आहे, अशा स्त्रीसाठी झरणाऱ्या डोळ्यातील एखाद्याच्या आसवांव्यतिरिक्त अन्य कुठले तेजस्वी अश्रू असूच शकत नाहीत. आणि त्यामुळेच जो कोणी या अनाथ मुलीला दु:ख आणि लज्जा यापासून बचाव करण्यासाठी सहारा देईल त्याचे नाव नेहमीच आदराने घेतले जाईल.

Question Bank

1. The poem “The Orphan Girl” is written by _____.

 a) Jibanananda Das                                  b) Rabindranath Tagore

           c) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam                              d) Henry Derozio

2. The orphan girl’s hair was as black as _____.

a) raven’s wings                                b) peacock’s wings

c) sparrow’s wings                             d) squirrel’s tail

3. The orphan girl’s father joined _____.

a) politics              b) war         c) civil service        d) navy

4. The orphan girl’s mother could not endure _____ part.

a) woman’s           b) wife’s                c) daughter’s                  d) widow’s

5. “The wretched have never a _____”.

a) company                    b) friend               c) supporter                    d) caretaker

6. The poet blesse a person who _____.

a) discards an orphan                                           b) feeds an orphan

c) shelters an orphan from sorrow and shame   d) befriends an orphan

7. If the orphan girl strays from virtue’s way, the world ______.

a) will admire her                     b) will scorn her                                         c) will love her                              d) will appreciate her

8. According to the poet, the orphan girl has _____ on this earth.

a) many friends                        b) many relatives                              

c) many well-wishers                d) no friend

9. The orphan girl’s voice was as soft as _____ sings.

a) the cuckoo        b) the nightingale                    c) the night wind    d) the bulbul

10. According to the poet, through the life’s dreary _____, the orphan girl must wend alone.

a) desert               b) jungle               c) forest                 d) path

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Song of Youth_Question Bank

(E-content developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

 Song of Youth

  डॉ. ए. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम यांची ही कविता म्हणजे एका तरुणाने आपल्या राष्ट्राप्रती केलेली प्रार्थना आहे. हा तरुण (Youth) म्हणतो:

ज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञान (knowledge and technology) यांनी सुसज्ज असणारा आणि माझ्या देशाप्रती प्रेम असणारा भारताचा एक तरुण नागरिक (citizen) म्हणून मला जाणीव आहे की छोटी स्वप्ने पाहणे हा गुन्हा आहे. (small aim is a crime)

जिथे आर्थिक सुबत्ता (economic strength) आणि त्याचबरोबरीने मूल्य व्यवस्था (value system) हा जिचा कणा असेल अशा एका  विकसित राष्ट्रात (developed nation) भारतभुमीचे रुपांतर करणे हे माझे भव्य स्वप्न असेल. आणि हे स्वप्न सत्यात आणण्यासाठी मी कष्ट करेन व घाम गाळेन. (I will work and sweat)

लाखो नागरिकांच्यापैकी मी एक. पण ज्या स्वप्नाने माझ्या मनात प्रवेश केला आहे, ते स्वप्न लाखो लोकांची मने प्रज्वलित (ignite) करेल याची मला खात्री आहे.

आणि मला हे ठाऊक आहे की प्रज्वलित झालेले मन हे या भूतलावरील अन्य कोणत्याही स्त्रोतापेक्षा अधिक प्रभावशाली असते.

विकसित भारताचे स्वप्न सत्यात आणण्यासाठी मी ज्ञानाचा दिवा सतत तेवत ठेवेन. आपली मने जर प्रज्वलित झाली आणि आपण आपल्या स्वप्नाचा जर ध्यास घेतला, त्यासाठी कठोर परिश्रम केले, तरच एका चैतन्यदायी विकसित भारताचा (vibrant developed India) उदय होणे शक्य होऊ शकेल.

माझे परमेश्वराकडे (Almighty) हेच मागणे आहे की, “आमच्या जीवनामध्ये दिव्य शांती (divine peace) आणि सौंदर्य (beauty) यांना स्थान मिळो; व आनंद (happiness) आणि उत्तम आरोग्य (good health) यांचा आमच्या मनामध्ये आणि शरीरामध्ये बहर (blossom) येवो”.  

Question Bank

1. The poem “Song of Youth” is written by _____.

a) Jibanananda Das                                    b) Rabindranath Tagore

          c) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam                              d) Henry Derozio

2. The poet visualizes the great vision as a _____ of India.

a) old citizen         b) young citizen            c) adult citizen      d) free citizen

3. Dr. Kalam’s great vision is to see India as  _____.

a) a powerful nation                          b) developing nation                          c) developed nation                           d) rich nation

4. Dr. Kalam wants to transform India powered by ______.

          a) economic strength and value system   b) work and sweat

          c) technology, knowledge and love              d) divine peace with beauty

5. The poet wants to keep _____ burning to achieve the vision.

a) the fire                                 b) the desire                                                c) the lamp of knowledge d) the lamp of wisdom

6. The poet prays to _____.

a) the people of India      b) Almighty          c) Goddess            d) politicians

7. According to the poet, _____ is a crime.

a) great vision       b) small aim         c) technology                  d) knowledge

8. According to the poet, _____ will ignite the billion souls.

a) the vision        b) the love             c) the knowledge            d) the peace

9. According to the poet, _____ is the most powerful resource on the earth.

a) the vision          b) the love   c) the ignited soul         d) the knowledge

10. The poet prays the Almighty that may _____ enter into our people.

a) divine peace with beauty                      b) divine peace with love

c) love with beauty                                      d) peace with harmony

11. The young citizen of India is armed with _____.

a) weapons           b) tools        c) gadgets    d) knowledge and technology

12. The poet prays to the Almighty that may _____ blossom in our bodies and minds.

a) peace and beauty                 b) happiness and love

         c) peace and good health         d) happiness and good health

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On His Blindness

  Introduction "On His Blindness" is a well-known sonnet written by John Milton.  John Milton is  a famous English poet. The poem...