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Monday, 7 February 2022

BA I_Optional English_Question Bank

 (Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

The Shroud

1. The story “The Shroud” is written by _____. (Premchand)

2. ____ is the wife of Madho. (Budhia)

3. _____ is the father of Madho. (Ghisu)

4. Madho and Ghisu belonged to _____ caste. (chamar)

5. Ghisu and Madho would steal _____ from other people’s fields. (potatoes and peas)

6. The zamindar gave _____ to Ghisu and Madho. (two rupees)

7. Madho used to call _____ to his father. (Dada)

8.  The story is originally written in _____. (Hindi)

9. Budhia was suffering from _____. (delivery pains)

10. According to the narrator, Ghisu and Madho were _____. (shameless rascals)




1. The story “Laloo” is written by _____. (Sarat Chandra Chatterji)

2. The story “Laloo” is originally written in _____. (Bengali)

3. Laloo’s father wanted him to be a _____ when he grows up. (lawyer)

4. Laloo’s house was a _____ storied mansion. (three)

5. The Smritiratna had gone to _____. (Benaras)

6. _____ is the name of Laloo’s mother. (Nandarani)

7. The Smritiratna suddenly awaoke at night because _____ (the roof was leaking).

8. Laloo’s mother saw _____ at the top of the mosquito curtain. (a lump of ice)

9. There used to be the annual worship of the goddess Kali at the house of _____ . (Manohar Chatterji)
Laloo’s mother wanted to appoint _____ for Laoo. (a tutor)

11. Smritiratna was Lalo’s mother’s _____. ( preceptor)

12. Laloo sacrificed _____ goats in the house of Manohar Chatterji. (two)


A Season of No Return

1. The story is written by _____. (Gurdial Singh)

2. The story is originally written in _____. (Punjabi)

3. The main character in the story is _____ (Kauri)

4. _____ is the son of Kauri. (Santokh)

5. Santokh’s wife was working in _____. (a college)

6. All the biradari disliked the marriage of Kauri’s son because _____. (the daughter-in-law belonged to a low caste)

7. Kauri’s son and the daughter-in-law decide to send Kauri back to the village because_____. (they do not want to take her responsibility)

8. _____ accompanies Kauri while returning to Punjab. (An engineer)

9. Kauri comes to the city mainly to _____. (help the daughter-in-law in her pregnancy)

10. _____ was the youngest brother of Santokh. (Gyana)



1. The story is written by _____. (Fakir Mohan Senapati)

2. The story is originally written in _____. (Odia)

3. The story takes place in the village, _____. (Patpur)

4. The name of Rebati’s father is _____. (Shyambandhu Mohanty)

5. Basudev was graduated from the training school at _____. (Cuttack)

6. Basudev was _____ by caste. (Karan)

7. Rebati’s father dies in _____ epidemic. (cholera)

8. According to the grandmother, ______ is responsible for the mishaps in the home. (Rebati’s decision to take education)

9. “You Rebi, you rotten miserable wretch”, says _____. (Rebati’s grandmother)

10. The grandmother goes to _____ to sell the old pots. (Hari Sa)


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