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Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Angoor/Comedy of Errors_Quiz



B.A. III English (Optional) Paper No. IV

Literature and Cinema

Semester III Quiz October 2023

Marks: 10

1.      The movie ‘Angoor’ is directed by _____.

a.       Satyajeet Ray

b.      Nagraj Manjule

c.       Gulzar

d.      Hrishikesh Mukherjee

2.      The major events in ‘Angoor’ take place in _____.

a.       Dinkarpur

b.      Shikarpur

c.       Raypur

d.      Shivpur

3.      The name of the twin servants in ‘Angoor’ is _____.

a.       Ashok

b.      Bahadur

c.       Raybahadur

d.      Ravsaheb

4.      Sudha and Tanu are _____.

a.       friends

b.      sisters

c.       mother and daughter

d.      mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

5.      The twin brothers from the village come to the city because _____.

a.       they wanted to see the city

b.      they wanted to buy a grape yard

c.       they wanted to do some shopping

d.      they wanted to search for their lost brothers

6.      Which of the following statement is correct about ‘Angoor’?

a.       Raj Tilak is a father of Ashok and Bahadur.

b.      Raj Tilak is a father of Ashok.

c.       Raj Tilak is a father of Bahadur.

d.      Raj Tilak has found Ashok.

7.      Why there is a fight between Ashok and Sudha?

a.       Sudha is demanding a necklace from Ashok.

b.      Sudha is demanding a diamond ring from Ashok.

c.       Ashok is demanding a wristwatch from Sudha.

d.      Ashok is demanding a necktie from Sudha.

8.      Which of the following statement is correct?

a.       Shammi dies after the shipwreck.

b.      Shammi and her husband, both of them die after the shipwreck.

c.       Shammi is alive after the shipwreck, and is living in Shikarpur.

d.      Shammi is alive after the shipwreck, and is living in Dinkarpur.

9.      Why Bahadur is surprised in the market when he saw his master?

a.       His master was drinking liquor.

b.      His master was playing cards.

c.       His master was smoking.

d.      His master was dancing.

10.  Which mistake the jeweler’s assistant commits?

a.       He gives the necklace to Tanu.

b.      He gives the necklace to Ashok from the city.

c.       He gives the necklace to Ashok from the village.

d.      He gives the necklace to Bahadur from the village.

11.  The major setting of the play ‘Comedy of Errors’ is _____.

a.       Ephesus

b.      Syracuse

c.       Athens

d.      Venice

12.  _____ is the merchant of Syracuse.

a.       Egeon

b.      Dromio

c.       Angelo

d.      Balthasar

13.   The name of Dromio’s wife is _____.

a.       Adriana

b.      Luciana

c.       Nell

d.      Emilia

14.  Egeon has been charged a fine of _____.

a.       one hundred marks

b.      one thousand marks

c.       one hundred pounds

d.      one thousand pounds

15.  Sudha from ‘Angoor’ is _____ in ‘Comedy of Errors’.

a.       Adriana

b.      Luciana

c.       Nell

d.      Emilia

16.  Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a.       Egeon comes to Syracuse in search of his lost wife and children.

b.      Egeon comes to Ephesus in search of his lost wife and children.

c.       Egeon comes to Syracuse to purchase a grape yard.

d.      Egeon comes to Ephesus to purchase a grape yard.

17.  Which of the following statement is correct?

a.       In ‘Angoor’, the father comes to the city in search of the lost twin.

b.      In ‘Angoor’, the mother lives with the brother living in the village.

c.       In ‘Angoor’, there are no songs.

d.      In ‘Angorr’, the brother from the village comes to the city to purchase the land.

18.  Which of the following statement is correct?

a.       Adriana is a wife of Ephesian Antipholus.

b.      Adriana is a wife of Syracusan Antipholus.

c.       Nell is a wife of Ephesian Antipholus.

d.      Luciana is a wife of Syracusan Antipholus.

19.  After dining at his brother's home, Antipholus of Syracuse declares his love for _____.

a.       Adriana

b.      Luciana

c.       Nell

d.      Emilia

20.  After having been locked out, Antipholus of Ephesus dines at the home of _____.

a.       Angelo, the goldsmith

b.      The duke

c.       Balthasar, the merchant

d.      The courtesan

*        *        *        *        *




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