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Sunday 6 October 2024

Short Story_Module: I


Module: I

Q. Write short notes.

1. Plot:

Plot is a sequence of events or actions in the story. It follows a structure that includes an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. E. M. Foster distinguishes between story and plot by giving the following example:

‘The king died and then the queen died is a story. The king died, and then queen died of grief is a plot’.

Thus, plot involves cause and effect relationship. It does not merely describe the events. For example, in “The Model Millionaire,” Hughie feels sympathy for the beggar. This is a cause. In return, the beggar gives him handsome amount. This is the effect.

A plot can be simple or complex. Similarly, a plot may have a main plot along with subplot. However, in a short story, there is no place for complex plot or subplot.  

2. Characters:

The individuals who take part in the action of the story are called characters. The characters can be major or minor. A character who plays an important role in the development of the plot is termed as the major character. A short story usually focuses on one or a few central characters. Due to limited space, the writer typically introduces only two or three characters in a short story.

For example, in A. K. Ramanujan’s short story “The Serpent Lover,” there are only three important characters: Kamakshi, her husband, and the Serpent King. These are the major characters. On the other hand, the old woman, the concubine or the queen are the minor characters.

3. Setting:

The time and place where the story occur is called the setting. The setting helps to establish the mood and context for the characters’ actions. The setting plays an important role in the development of the plot.

In the short story “A Cup of Tea,” the setting is one city. The antique shop, the street, Rosemary’ bungalow highlight the city atmosphere. It does talk about rosemary’s lavish lifestyle.  Against this background, the poverty of Miss Smith becomes prominent.

It is winter season mentioned in the story. The chilled winter afternoon makes it convincing that Miss Smith badly needs a cup of tea.

The major events in the story are: 1) Rosemary meets the poor girl; 2) Rosemary invites the poor girl to her home; 3) the poor girl leaves Rosemary’s home. All these events involve a time span of hardly 2-3 hours. The writer knows well how ‘brevity’ is important in short story. Thus, the writer has skilfully used setting in the story.

4. Point of View:

The concept of ‘point of view’ is related to the narration and the narrator. It is important to see who the story is narrating. This technique of narrating a story is known as ‘point of view’. Common points of view include first-person point of view and the third person point of view.

In the first-person point of view, the narrator is a character in the story. In the third-person point of view, the narrator remains outside the story. But he knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters.

Third-person narration is a very common technique. Very few stories use first-person narration. Thus, in “The Model Millionaire”, the narrator is outside the story, and he tells us the story of the handsome man Hughie and his beloved Laura. Often, in third-person narration, the narrator uses the third-person pronoun ‘he’ or ‘she’ for the characters in the story.


5. Brevity:

Brevity is the soul of short story. Brevity means shortness. This brevity is reflected in a short story on all levels. Brevity is seen in story in the following way:

i) Length of short story: A short story demands a single sitting reading. So, it should include few pages. Its word range is from a few hundred words to around ten thousand words.

ii) Plot: Due to brevity, the writer needs to focus on a single event. Complex plot or sub-plots are not seen in short story. Every word in a short story counts and should contribute to the story’s conclusion.

iii) Language: The language of short story must be precise. The unnecessary details are avoided. This economy of language ensures that the story remains tightly focused.

iv) Characters: There is no room for too many characters in short story. It revolves around a very few major characters.

v) Setting: A short story writer cannot think of different locations. Usually, the plot is unfolded at single or a couple of places. Similarly, there is time limitation. A story of generations or different families ranging to different periods (that can be seen in the Mahabharat) is not possible in short story.

          Thus, due to brevity the grandness of novel or epic is missing in short story. But at the same time, brevity makes a short story writer very skilful. With the help of limited tools, he has to give complete joy to his readers. That’s really a challenging job for a short story writer.



1.   According to _____ a short story should be read in one sitting. (Edgar Allan Poe)

2.   Brevity, purposefulness, and realism in short story has been emphasised by _____. (Anton Chekhov)

3.   A short story is _____ of literature. (a minor form)

4.   The time and place where a story occurs is known as _____. (setting)

5.   _____ is the soul of a short story. (Brevity)

6.   _____ advocated open-ended conclusion in a short story. (Anton Chekhov)

7.   The 19th century writers like O’Henry, Guy de Maupassant and Oscar Wilde are famous for _____. (twist in the tale)

8.   A narrative which is longer than short story, but shorter than novel is termed as _____. (novella)

9.   In the first-person narration, the narrator is _____. (inside the story)

10.                _____ narrator is also known as ‘omniscient narrator’. (third-person)

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