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Sunday, 12 April 2020

English BA II (Defend Yourself)

(Bapsi Sidhwa/बाप्सी सिध्वा)

Q. Discuss the plot of the story “Defend Yourself Against Me”
“Defend Yourself Against Me” is a short story written by Bapsi Sidhwa. Bapsi Sidhwa is a Pakistani writer. The story “Defend Yourself Against Me” deals with the bitter (कडवट) experiences of partition.
            The major setting of the novel is Houston, America. The story revolves around (गुंफलेली आहे) Ammijee, the mother of Sikander Khan. Mrs Joy Jacobs is a narrator of the story. Sikander and Mrs Jacobs meet in Houston in the house of Mr Kishen. Sikander and Mrs Jacobs are from Lahore, Pakistan. Sikkander remembers someone named Joy living in his neighbourhood (शेजार) in Lahore when he was a child.
Mrs Jacobs too remembers her childhood in Lahore. It is a story of 1948. The wave (लाट/भर) of bloodshed (रक्तपात) and violence (हिंसाचार) after partition is over (संपला आहे). Sikander and his family have been shifted to the neighbourhood of Joy Jacobs. Sikander and his family members are the refugees (शरणागत). They have fled (पळून आले आहेत) from India. Sikander’s father and uncles are killed by the Sikhs. In fact, Sikander is also attacked. Joy remembers Sikander carrying the scar (व्रण) of the wound (जखम) on his head. Joy also remembers Ammiji. Joy remembers that Ammiji has gone through some terrible experience (भयावह अनुभव). But she remains unaware  (अनभिद्न्य/माहित नसणे) about it for many years.
After so many years, once again Mrs Joy Jacobs meets Sikander and his family. This time they meet in America. Sikander is still carrying the scar on his head. To hide (लपवणे) the scar, he uses a wig (नकली केसांचा टोप). From Sikander Mrs Joy Jacobs comes to know about Ammiji’s tragic experience of the partition. When the family was attacked by the Sikhs, Ammiji was kidnapped, raped and sold. Ammiji carries this pain (वेदना) in her heart for years (कित्येक वर्षे).
In the story, there are two more characters – Pratab and Khushwant. They belong to the Sikh community. They are the friends of Mr Sikander Khan. When they listen to the sad story of Ammiji, they decide to seek forgiveness. (माफी मागणे)
Pratab and Khushwant come to the house of Mr Sikander in the guise (रूप बदलून) of Indian fakirs (फकीर/साधू). They fall to the ground and appeal (याचना करणे)Ammiji, “Maajee,(माँजी) forgive us. Forgive the wrongs (चुका/प्रमाद) of our fathers.” Soon everyone realises the identity of the fakirs. At first, Ammijee becomes angry with them and announces, “I will never forgive your fathers”. But after some time, she calms down (शांत झाल्यानंतर/राग निवळल्यानंतर) and in a helpless tone (असहाय स्वरात) says, “My sons, I forgave your fathers long ago. How else could I live?”
In this way, the story presents the horrific experiences of the partition. Partition spared no one (फाळणीच्या तडाख्यातून कोणीही वाचू शकले नाही). Millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims shared the same lot (सर्वांचे भोग एकसारखेच होते).  The title of the story is borrowed from a poem written by Pedro Shimose. Shimose is a Bolivian poet. In the poem, the speaker asks the people to “Defend yourself” who have misbehaved (गैरवर्तणूक करणे) with the speaker.     
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(econtent developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

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