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Monday, 16 August 2021

Question Bank

 (Dr N A Jarandikar)

BA II/English (Compulsory)/Semester IV

Information transfer and Interpretation of Data

1. The verbal way of presenting information is _____. (a prose narrative)

2. The non-verbal way of presenting information includes use of _____. (graphic representations)

3. _____ is a process of transferring the information from verbal form to non-verbal form. (Information transfer)

4. Information transfer is used _____. (to narrate a process)

5. Information transfer is used _____. (to enumerate and classify the information)

6. Information represented in graphic forms is _____. (visually appealing)

7. In _____ facts and figures are arranged in columns and rows. (table diagram)

8. In _____, you are expected to make general statements about the data. (generalization)

9. _____ shows the difference between two sets of information. (A contrast)

10. In _____, you can make statements about futurity. ( prediction)

11. While making the statements of generalization, we have to use _____. (simple present tense)

12. _____ is a chart that develops in the form of a tree. (Tree diagram)

13. _____ is very useful to show the hierarchical nature of structure. (Tree diagram)

14. _____ is useful to show the structure of relationships within a large family. (Family tree diagram)

15. _____ is useful to show the structure within a company or institution. (Organization tree diagram)

16. _____ is used to represent a schematic process and procedure. (Flow chart)

17. _____ consists of a circle divided into fractions. (Pie chart)

18. The whole circle in a pie chart represents _____. (100%)

19. _____ is mostly used to show proportions, trends, comparisons and contrasts. (Bar diagram)

20. _____ is used to depict how two quantities of information are related to each other. (Line graph)

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Auto wreck

1. The poem ‘Auto Wreck’ is written by _____. (Karl Shapiro)

2. Karl Shapiro is _____ . (an American poet)

3. The poem presents the scene of _____. (car accident)

4. The victims of an accident are kept into little hospital. Here the phrase ‘little hospital’ refers to _____. (ambulance)

5. After witnessing the accident, the speaker is reminded of large insects named _____. (locusts)

6. According to the speaker, our ‘richest horror’ is _____. (death)

7. According to the speaker, death in war is done by _____. (hands)

8. _____ came floating down into the crowd. (Ambulance)

9. According to the speaker, war, suicide, stillbirth and _____ are the causes of death. (cancer)

10. Though the speaker knows death is inevitable, the scene of an accident cancels his _____ with a sneer. (physics)

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English for Banking and Industries

1. The ability to _____ effectively makes a candidate more efficient. (communicate)

2. Being a skilled _____ is essential to be a good manager. (communicator)

3. _____ is called after by giving a prior notice. (A meeting)

4. Notice must include _____. (Agenda of the meeting)

5. The language of notice makes use of _____. (passive construction)

6. _____ is a list of items to be discussed at the meeting. (Agenda)

7. Agenda is also called _____. (Business)

8. _____ will be the first item on agenda. (Confirmation of minutes of the last meeting)

9. _____ will be the last item on the agenda. (Any other matter with the permission of the Chair)

10. _____ are a written official record of the business transacted at a particular meeting. (Minutes)

11. Proposal passed by majority is mentioned as _____. (‘resolution)

12. _____ is to be passed before the confirmation of minutes. (Condolence resolution)

13. At the next meeting, _____ reads out the Minutes. (Secretary)

14. Minutes are written in _____. (simple past tense)

15. The language of advertisements is _____. (emotive)

16. Advertisement is a form of _____. (communication)

17. _____ includes newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. (Print media)

18. _____ includes radio, television. (Electronic media)

19. Headlines in an advertisement are written in _____. (capital letters)

20. _____ is also called the brand slogan. (Tagline)

21. “Utterly butterly delicious”. This is an example of _____. (coinage of new words)

22. “The zing thing”. This is an example of _____. (alliteration)

23. “Neighbour’s envy, owner’s pride”. This is an example of _____. (parallelism)

24. “Light as mist, soft as spring”. This is an example of _____. (parallelism)


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