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Thursday, 2 June 2022

Question Bank_BA I_English Compulsory_Q. 3A_Semester II

 (Developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

Q. 3 A) Making Inquiries (Write any one out of two)                            Marks 08

1. Imagine that you are the Librarian of Mahatma Gandhi Library, Sangli. Write a set of rules and instructions for students/library members.

Ø  Mahatma Gandhi Library, Sangli

Instructions for Library Members

·         Keep silence in the library.

·         Sign in the register.

·         Keep the newspapers properly.

·         Wear your I-cards.

·         Handle the books carefully.

·          Do not cut the pages from books.

·         Do not write on the books.

·         Keep your mobile phones on silent mode.

2. Your younger brother is going to Saudi Arabia for the first time as he is appointed as a software engineer. Prepare a set of suggestions for him.

·         Keep your passport safely.

·         Do not talk with strangers.

·         Phone us regularly.

·         Talk with police in case of emergency.

·         Eat food properly.

·         Do not waste money.

·         Consult a doctor when not feeling well.

·         Follow rules of Saudi Arabia strictly.

3. Your friend was admitted to hospital. He was suffering from high-fever. Now he is discharged from hospital. Prepare a set of suggestions for him.

·         Drink ample of water.

·         Eat healthy food.

·         Take medicines regularly.

·         Check fever frequently.

·         Check oxygen level regularly.

·         Do meditation for some time.

·         Do not watch TV for long time.

·         Do not play mobile games for long time.

4. Your friend is preparing for PSI exam. Give him instructions.

·         Do hard work.

·         Study regularly.

·         Read newspapers daily.

·         Listen to English radio news for English improvement.

·         Join a gym for good health.

·         Watch motivational videos on YouTube.

·         Always remain in a company of good friends.

·         Do not watch TV for long time.

·         Do not play mobile games for long time.

5. Imagine that you are studying MA English in Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Your younger brother is coming to Shivaji University. Advise him how to reach Shivaji University.

·         Get down at Main bus stand.

·         Ask for railway gate.

·         Turn to the left side and walk for five minutes.

·         At railway gate, take KMTor an auto.

·         Get down at Main Building of Shivaji University.

·         Ask for English Department.

·         Turn to the left side, walk for five minutes from main building, and you will be near the English Department.

6.  Write a piece of enquiry to a bank manager that you have lost your ATM card. Ask what procedure you have to follow.

A: Excuse me!

B: Yes?

A: I need some help.

B: What can I do for you?

A: My ATM card is stolen.

B: When? How?

A: In the morning. I was travelling by bus. I think at that time  someone stole my wallet.

B: Do you remember your ATM card number?

A: No.

B: Ok. Tell me your bank account number.

A: 12340000456

B: Let me check. May I know your name please?

A: I am Satish Ramchandra Patade.

B: Yes. I have blocked your ATM card. Now it is of no use. Did you get any SMS about bank transaction?

A: No, I didn’t.

B: Fine. That means no one has misused your ATM card. Now get  relaxed.

A: I am very much thankful to you.

B: My pleasure.

7. Complete the following piece of conversation using appropriate expressions.

Mohan: ___(1)___.

Enquiry Clerk: Good afternoon.

Mohan: ___(2)___ at what time the Mahalxmi Express is expected?

Enquiry Clerk: The scheduled time if its departure is 07.45 pm, but it’s ___(3)___.

Mohan: But it’s already 08.15.

Enquiry Clerk:  ___(4)___ Sir, I’m afraid, but the train is yet to arrive.

Mohan: ___(5)___ when exactly the train is likely to arrive?

Enquiry Clerk:  ___(6)___, but I can’t help it. Please ___(7)___.

Mohan: ___(8)___.

[1. Good afternoon;  2. May I know; 3. Not yet arrived; 4. You are right; 5. Could you tell me;  6. I am sorry; 7. bear with us; 8. All right]

8. Complete the following piece of conversation using appropriate expressions.

          Customer: ___(1)___ I deposit a cheque here?

          Clerk: ___(2)___, Sir. Please go to the counter number 4.

          Customer: (At counter number 4) ___(3)___?

          Clerk: Yes?

          Customer: ___(4)___

`         Clerk: Yes Sir. ___(5)___ the amount on the cheque please?

          Customer: Its sixty thousand rupees.

          Clerk: It exceeds fifty thousand rupees. ___(6)___ your PAN card Xerox.

          Customer: ___(7)___.

          Clerk: Yes Sir. Your cheque is deposited.

          Customer: ___(8)___.

          Clerk: My pleasure.

[1. Can; 2. I am sorry; 3. Excuse me? 4. Can I deposit a cheque here? 5. May I know; 6. I will need; 7. Here it is; 8. Thank you.]


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