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Tuesday, 25 February 2025

My Mistress’ Eyes

(e-Content developed by Dr N. A. Jarandikar)

 My Mistress’ Eyes 

शेक्सपियरचे "My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun" हीसॉनेट प्रकारातील कविता आहे.  ही कविता इतर पारंपरिक प्रेमकवितांपेक्षा वेगळी आहे. त्याकाळच्या कवींप्रमाणे आपल्या प्रेयसीचे सौंदर्य वाढवून सांगण्याऐवजी, शेक्सपियर तिचे प्रामाणिक शब्दांत वर्णन करतो.  

कवी म्हणतो की 

- त्याच्या प्रेयसीचे डोळे सूर्यासारखे तेजस्वी नाहीत. 

- ओठ पोवळ्यासारखे लाल नाहीत.  

- त्वचा बर्फासारखी शुभ्र नाही.  

- केस सोनेरी धाग्यांसारखे नाहीत, तर काळ्या तारेसारखे दिसतात.  

- गाल फुलांप्रमाणे लालसर नाहीत. 

- श्वास सुगंधीत नाही.  

- आवाज संगीतासारखा गोड नाही.  

हे सगळे वाचून असे वाटू शकते की कवी तिच्या सौंदर्यावर टीका करतो आहे. पण शेवटच्या दोन ओळींमध्ये तो खरा अर्थ सांगतो:  

"तरीही, मी तिला अत्यंत दुर्मिळ समजतो, कारण इतर स्त्रियांप्रमाणे जर तिची अशा खोट्या उपमांनी स्तुती केली असती, तर तो तिचा अपमान ठरला असता ."

अशा प्रकारे कवीच्या मते सौंदर्याच्या खोट्या कल्पनांपेक्षा खरी व्यक्ती जास्त महत्त्वाची असते.  तसेच खरे सौंदर्य हे प्रेम, स्वभाव आणि नातेसंबंध यावर अवलंबून असते.

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‘My Mistress’ Eyes’ is a sonnet number 130 written by William Shakespeare. It is a unique love poem. Most of the love poems of his time were full of praise (प्रशंसा) for women with too much comparisons. But Shakespeare takes a different approach. He describes his mistress (प्रेयसी) in a very realistic and honest way, showing that true love does not need false praise (खोटी प्रशंसा).

The poem:

The poem begins with the speaker saying that his mistress’ eyes are “nothing like the sun”. It means that they do not shine brightly. He continues by saying:

Her lips are not as red as coral (मौल्यवान पोवळे).

Her breasts are not as white as snow.

Her hair is like black wires, not golden strands.

Her cheeks are not as rosy as flowers.

Her breath does not smell like perfume.

Her voice is not as sweet as music.

At first, it may seem that he is criticizing her. But in the last two lines, he reveals the true meaning of the poem. Here, he says his love is rare. It does not need any false comparisons. 


The poem is a sonnet. It is a Shakespearean sonnet. ‘Real Love is Honest’ is a central idea of the poem. The poet does not need to lie to express his love. Many poets compared women to unrealistic things, but Shakespeare makes fun of this tradition. According to Shakespeare, beauty is more than looks. Shakespeare uses simple, everyday language to describe his mistress honestly. 

‘My Mistress’ Eyes’ is a beautiful poem about real love. Instead of using false praise, Shakespeare shows that love is not about external beauty. Love is about accepting and respecting someone who they truly are. This makes the poem more relatable and meaningful even today.

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