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Friday, 7 February 2025

Question Bank_Aristotle's Poetics


Aristotle’s Poetics

1) Aristotle's Poetics was an answer to -------.

a) Sidney's An Apology for Poetry                  b) Shelley's A Defense of Poetry

c) Plato's Republic                                         d) Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

2) The Poetics is mainly concerned with -------.

a) Comedy      b) Poetry         c) Epic             d) Tragedy

3) The common principle of all fine arts is that ------------.

a) they give us pleasure                                  b) they imitate something

c) they are useful to us                                    d) they are of no use

4) Tragedy is an imitation of ---------.

a) action         b) people                     c) life               d) world

5) The term ‘mimesis’ was first used by ---------.

a) Philip Sidney                                              b) P. B. Shelley

c) Plato                                                           d) Chaucer

6) What does Aristotle mean by the word 'magnitude'?

a) management                                    b) proper size or length of the plot

c) the function of tragedy                   d) the theme of tragedy

7) Discovery' means the change of fortunes in hero's life from -----------.

a) adversity to prosperity                    b) prosperity to adversity

c) ignorance to knowledge                d) poverty to wealth

8) According to Aristotle, a tragedy has ---------- formative elements.

a) six               b) five              c) many           d) nine

9) -------- is the very soul of tragedy.

a) character     b) dialogue      c) plot             d) catharsis

10) The word 'Catharsis' is used to denote -----------.

a) the action of tragedy                                               b) the list of characters

c) the function or emotional effect of tragedy        d) the definition of tragedy

11) The root meaning of hamartia is ------.

a) fixing the target                              b) missing the mark

c) finding fault                                    d) right choice

12) According to Bradley, hamartia is ---------.

a) tragic flaw             b) justice          c) fortune                    d) right decision

13) Butcher and Bywater believe that hamartia means --------.

a) a missing of mark                           b) misfortune of hero

c) an error of judgment                    d) all of these

14) Hamartia is not --------.

a) moral falling          b) ideal truth    c) universal truth         d) none of these

15) Aristotle used the word hamartia for ---------.

a) villain                      b) ideal tragic hero    d) heroine                    d) none of these

16) Aristotle defines tragedy in _____ of Poetics.

            a) Book I                     b) Book III                  c) Book IV                  d) Book VI

17) According to Aristotle, a tragedy should be in the form of _____.

            a) narration                  b) action                     c) description              d) prose

18) For a tragic hero, Aristotle gives an example of _____.

            a) Oedipus                  b) King Lear               c) Hamlet                    d) Macbeth

19) According to Aristotle, a tragic hero must be _____.

            a) shy              b) very poor                c) ethically good        d) selfish



B) Answer the following questions in one word/phrase/sentence.

1) Where did Plato use the term ‘mimesis’? (Republic)

2) Which Greek word is represented ‘imitation’ in English? (Mimesis)

3) What does Aristotle mean by "the action of tragedy must be complete'? (It must have a well beginning, a middle and an end.)

4) Which are the two kinds of plot, according to Aristotle? (simple and complex)

5) What is meant by peripety? (The change in fortunes of the hero)

6) How should be the language of tragedy, according to Aristotle? (dignified and elevated)

7) What does Aristotle mean by the plot in tragedy? (the arrangement of incidents)

8) What kind of emotions are given outlet through tragedy?  (pity and fear)

9) How should be the tragic hero, according to Aristotle? (He should be good, but not too good or perfect.)

10) What is the root meaning of hamartia? (“missing the mark”)

11) What is the meaning of hamartia according to Else and Martin Ostward? (The hero has a tendency to err, created by lack of knowledge)

12) What is the meaning of anagnorisis? (It is a sudden change, “from ignorance to knowledge”.)

13) Who believes that hamartia is not moral state; but an error of judgment which a man makes or commits? (Butcher, Bywater, and Rostangi)

*          *          *          *          *

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