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Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Syllabus_BA I_Semester II (June 2024 onwards)



Introduction to English Literature (Poetry)and Language (Morphology) -II

MODULE I: Introduction to Forms of Poetry

a) Sonnet

b) Song

c) Elegy

d) Ballad


a) My Mistresses’ Eyes are Nothing Like the Sun- William Shakespeare

b) On his Blindness- John Milton

c) Go and Catch a Falling Star- John Donne

d) She Walks in Beauty- Lord Byron

e) To a Butterfly- William Wordsworth

f) Annabel Lee- Edgar Allen Poe

g) My Last Duchess- Robert Browning

h) O My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose - Robert Burns


a) Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T. S.- Nissim Ezekiel

b) What Would You Do? – Omprakash Valmiki

c) Oh Earth , Wait for Me -Pablo Neruda

d) Elegy for My Son- Patrick Fernando

e) This is Photograph of me- Margaret Atwood

f) Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town- e. e. cummings

g) Telephone Conversation- Wole Soyinka

h) The Seven Stages – Meena Kandasamy

MODULE IV: Morphology

a) Concept of Morphology

b) Types of Morphemes

c) Morphological Processes /Word - Formation Processes

d) Morphological Analysis


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FOR FOUR CREDITS: Total Marks: 80 (Written)

Q.1 A) Multiple choice questions (On Module 1.2&3) (10 MCQ)                            (10 marks)

      B) Fill in the blanks 4 options to be given for each question (On Module 1.2&3)

     (10 questions)                                                                                                        (10 Marks)

Q. 2 Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words (A or B)

         (To be set on Module 2)                                                                                     (10 Marks)

Q.3 Answer the following questions in about 250-300 words (A or B)

        (to be set on Module 3)                                                                                       (10 Marks)

Q. 4 Write short notes in about 200 words (four out of six) (4 on Module 1and 2 on Module2

        &3)                                                                                                                      (20 Marks)

Q.5 A) Write short notes in about 200 words.(two out of four) (To be set on Module 4)

(10 Marks)

      B) I. Identify the word formation process used in the underlined words in the

         following sentences (5 sentences)                                                                     (05 Marks )

         II. Attempt morphological analysis of the following words (2 out of 4)           (05 Marks)

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Instruction for Internal Evaluation

Sem. II: Unit Test – 20 Marks

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On His Blindness

  Introduction "On His Blindness" is a well-known sonnet written by John Milton.  John Milton is  a famous English poet. The poem...