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Monday, 30 August 2021


 (Dr. N. A. Jarandikar)

BA Part I/Semester II

English (Compulsory)


हे लक्षात ठेवा:

१) There ने सुरु होणाऱ्या वाक्यातील क्रियापद हे त्याच्यानंतर येणाऱ्या नामावर अवलंबून असते. नाम एकवचनी असल्यास क्रियापद एकवचनी येते (is/was). नाम अनेकवचनी असल्यास क्रियापद अनेकवचनी येते (are/were).

For example: a) There is a table in the classroom. b) There are tables in the classroom.

२) Daily routine सांगताना वर्तमान काळाचा वापर केला जातो. उदा. I wake up at six o’clock / I watch TV for two hours / I help my mother in the kitchen.

३) दुसऱ्या व्यक्तीचे Daily routine सांगताना वर्तमान काळातील क्रियापदाला s/es हा प्रत्यय लागतो. उदा. My father wakes up at six o’clock / Seema watches TV for two hours / Suresh helps his mother in the kitchen.

४) भूतकाळातील रुटीन सांगण्यासाठी used to +क्रियापदाचे मूळ रूप वापरण्यात येते. उदा. मी ज्यावेळी शाळेत होते, त्यावेळी रोज सकाळी सहा वाजता उठत असे: When I was in the school, I used to wake up at six o’clock  every day in the morning.


1. In my house, there _____ one TV. (is)

2. In my village, _____ is one Hanuman temple. (there)

3. In the library, there _____ many books. (are)

4. I remember that there _____ colourful pictures in my school. (were)

5. I saw the mobile. _____ was a smartphone. (It)

6. Sudhanshu is twenty years old. _____ is a teacher. (He)

7. _____ is one dog in Sudhanshu’s house. (There)

8. Sudhanshu is twenty years old. _____ father is a teacher. (His)

9. Sarita is twenty years old. _____ father is a teacher. (Her)

10. Mahabaleshwar is a hill station in Maharashtra. _____ is in the district of Satara. (It)

11. Every day I _____ for two hours. (play)

12. Every day Sarita _____ for two hours. (studies)

13. The postman _____ to the post office at 10 o’clock every day. (goes)

14. Milkha Singh _____ run for five hours every day. (used to)

15. Pandit Nehru _____ work for 18 hours every day.  (used to)

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Telephonic Communication

(Dr. N. A. Jarandikar)

BA Part I/Semester II

English (Compulsory) 

Telephonic Communication

हे लक्षात ठेवा: Telephonic Communication मध्ये दोन पद्धतीने प्रश्न विचारले जातात:

१) May I speak to /May I know: May + I + क्रियापदाचे मूळ रूप

२) Could you tell me/ Could you help me: Could + you + क्रियापदाचे मूळ रूप


1. _____, may I speak to Mr. Deshmukh? (Hello)

2. _____ I speak to Miss Gita please? (May/Can)

3. _____ I have the mobile number of Miss Gita? (May/Can)

3. _____ I know who is speaking? (May)

4. _____ you please give my message to Mr. Deshmukh? (Could)

5. _____ you tell me the mobile number of Miss Gita please? (Could)

6. _____ you repeat the phone number please? (Could)

7. A: Is it Kesari travels?

  B: Yes, _____? (how may I help you?)

8. _____, I cannot listen to you. (Sorry/I am sorry)

9. A: Could you please tell me when the train will arrive?

    B: _____. (Just a minute, Sir)

10. Hello, I would like _____ the phone number of the Principal. (to know)


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To My Countrymen

 (Dr. N. A. Jarandikar)

BA Part I/Semester II

English (Compulsory )


To My Countrymen

1. _____ is also known as “the missile man of India” (Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam)

2. _____ brought the steel industries during the British rule. (Jamashetji Tata)

3. The Banaras Hindu University was established by _____. (Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya)

4. Indian exports to large extent consists of low value raw material like _____. (iron ore and alumina)

5. Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad are _____. (hubs of business activity)

6. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam dreams of an India governed by _____. (noble leaders)

7. _____ was the founder of Aligarh Muslim University. (Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan)

8. In the IT area _____ is the most important need. (man power)

9. Tripura’s economy mainly rests on _____. (forest productions)

10. _____ are the two pillars of industrial growth. (Competitiveness and innovation)

11. _____ tells us that there is no barrier between us and the world. (Our scriptures/Books)

12. _____ are always bigger than organizations. (Missions)

13. _____ nurtured the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. (Acharya P. C. Ray)

14. Today we are witnessing good progress in _____. (the software sector)

15. In twenty years, Abdul Kalam would like to see _____. (a literate and poverty-free India)

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Monday, 16 August 2021

Question Bank

 (Dr N A Jarandikar)

BA II/English (Compulsory)/Semester IV

Information transfer and Interpretation of Data

1. The verbal way of presenting information is _____. (a prose narrative)

2. The non-verbal way of presenting information includes use of _____. (graphic representations)

3. _____ is a process of transferring the information from verbal form to non-verbal form. (Information transfer)

4. Information transfer is used _____. (to narrate a process)

5. Information transfer is used _____. (to enumerate and classify the information)

6. Information represented in graphic forms is _____. (visually appealing)

7. In _____ facts and figures are arranged in columns and rows. (table diagram)

8. In _____, you are expected to make general statements about the data. (generalization)

9. _____ shows the difference between two sets of information. (A contrast)

10. In _____, you can make statements about futurity. ( prediction)

11. While making the statements of generalization, we have to use _____. (simple present tense)

12. _____ is a chart that develops in the form of a tree. (Tree diagram)

13. _____ is very useful to show the hierarchical nature of structure. (Tree diagram)

14. _____ is useful to show the structure of relationships within a large family. (Family tree diagram)

15. _____ is useful to show the structure within a company or institution. (Organization tree diagram)

16. _____ is used to represent a schematic process and procedure. (Flow chart)

17. _____ consists of a circle divided into fractions. (Pie chart)

18. The whole circle in a pie chart represents _____. (100%)

19. _____ is mostly used to show proportions, trends, comparisons and contrasts. (Bar diagram)

20. _____ is used to depict how two quantities of information are related to each other. (Line graph)

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Auto wreck

1. The poem ‘Auto Wreck’ is written by _____. (Karl Shapiro)

2. Karl Shapiro is _____ . (an American poet)

3. The poem presents the scene of _____. (car accident)

4. The victims of an accident are kept into little hospital. Here the phrase ‘little hospital’ refers to _____. (ambulance)

5. After witnessing the accident, the speaker is reminded of large insects named _____. (locusts)

6. According to the speaker, our ‘richest horror’ is _____. (death)

7. According to the speaker, death in war is done by _____. (hands)

8. _____ came floating down into the crowd. (Ambulance)

9. According to the speaker, war, suicide, stillbirth and _____ are the causes of death. (cancer)

10. Though the speaker knows death is inevitable, the scene of an accident cancels his _____ with a sneer. (physics)

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English for Banking and Industries

1. The ability to _____ effectively makes a candidate more efficient. (communicate)

2. Being a skilled _____ is essential to be a good manager. (communicator)

3. _____ is called after by giving a prior notice. (A meeting)

4. Notice must include _____. (Agenda of the meeting)

5. The language of notice makes use of _____. (passive construction)

6. _____ is a list of items to be discussed at the meeting. (Agenda)

7. Agenda is also called _____. (Business)

8. _____ will be the first item on agenda. (Confirmation of minutes of the last meeting)

9. _____ will be the last item on the agenda. (Any other matter with the permission of the Chair)

10. _____ are a written official record of the business transacted at a particular meeting. (Minutes)

11. Proposal passed by majority is mentioned as _____. (‘resolution)

12. _____ is to be passed before the confirmation of minutes. (Condolence resolution)

13. At the next meeting, _____ reads out the Minutes. (Secretary)

14. Minutes are written in _____. (simple past tense)

15. The language of advertisements is _____. (emotive)

16. Advertisement is a form of _____. (communication)

17. _____ includes newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. (Print media)

18. _____ includes radio, television. (Electronic media)

19. Headlines in an advertisement are written in _____. (capital letters)

20. _____ is also called the brand slogan. (Tagline)

21. “Utterly butterly delicious”. This is an example of _____. (coinage of new words)

22. “The zing thing”. This is an example of _____. (alliteration)

23. “Neighbour’s envy, owner’s pride”. This is an example of _____. (parallelism)

24. “Light as mist, soft as spring”. This is an example of _____. (parallelism)


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The Journey -Mary Oliver

 (Dr N A Jarandikar)

                               (BA Part II /Semester IV/Compulsory English)                                                                        

                                                                       The Journey                                                                                                                         - Mary Oliver

  •          Mary Oliver is an American poet.
  •          In the poem, the poet says, one should listen to the inner voice. The journey of your life that starts when you listen to your own voice may be difficult. But this kind of journey illuminates your life.
  •          One day, finally your inner voice tells you what should be your journey, what should be your life. And you decide to work in that way.
  •          But people around you (your friends, relatives, neighbours) keep shouting. They dislike your decision. Their voices are so strong that you feel now the whole house will tremble. You feel now everyone will leave you. They insist on saying, “Mend my life!”
  •          The powerful wind tries to shake your foundation. You feel it’s a kind of wild night and the road is full of fallen branches and stones. But now you have taken your decision.
  •          As you start your journey, you are able to see the stars through the clouds. Now you realize that your decision is right. Now you listen to the new voice of hope which keeps your company.
  •          In this tough journey, you determine to listen to your inner voice and save the only life that you have got.


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मेरी ऑलिव्हर ही एक अमेरिकन कवयित्री आहे. ‘The Journeyही एक रूपकात्मक कविता आहे. कवी आपल्या आतला आवाज ओळखण्यास आणि त्या आवाजाच्या सोबतीने चालण्यास सांगत आहे.

तुम्हाला एके दिवशी हा आतला आवाज ऐकू येतो. तुम्ही ठरवता की मला आयुष्यात नेमके काय करायचे आहे. पण असा निर्णय घेणे हे तितके काही सोपे नसते. तुमच्या अवतीभवतीचे लोक तुम्हाला वेडा ठरवतात. तुमचा निर्णय अविचारी ठरवतात. तुम्हाला असं वाटू लागतं की जणू काही सगळं घरच आता कोसळतंय. सगळे आवाज तुम्हाला मागे खेचत राहतात. घोंघावणारा वारा आपल्या ताठर बोटांनी तुम्हाला हलवून सोडायचा प्रयत्न करत राहतो. तुम्हाला जाणवत राहते बाजूची गडद, अंधारी रात्र आणि खाचखळग्यांनी भरलेला रस्ता. पण तुमचा निर्णय पक्का असतो. तुम्ही आपला प्रवास सुरूच ठेवता. आणि मग हळूहळू ढग विरत जातात आणि तुम्हाला दिसू लागतात लुकलुकणाऱ्या चांदण्या. तुम्हाला ऐकू येतो एक नवा आवाज जो तुम्हाला सांगत राहतो की तुमचे एकच आयुष्य आहे आणि तुम्ही तेवढेच वाचवू शकता.

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1. The poem ‘The Journey’ is written by _____. (Mary Oliver)

2. The title ‘The Journey’ is a _____. (metaphor)

3. The voices kept shouting their _____ advice. (bad)

4. _____ began to tremble. (House)

5. The old tug was felt at _____. (ankle)

6. The wind _____ with its stiff fingers. (pried)

7. The poet determines to _____ the only life. (save)

8. Each voice around you cry _____. (“Mend my life!”)

9. The road is full of _____. (fallen branches and stones)

10. As you continue your journey, you are able to see _____ through the sheets of clouds. (burning stars)



On His Blindness

  Introduction "On His Blindness" is a well-known sonnet written by John Milton.  John Milton is  a famous English poet. The poem...